If you ask Zen people they will say tea is not something that you pour with unawareness and drink like any other drink. It is not a drink, it is meditation; it is prayer. So they listen to the kettle creating a melody, and in that listening they become more silent, more alert.


Done alone or within the community, RITUAL HAPPENS when we bring attention and intention to actions and activities. Yoga as Ritual. Tea as Ritual and Daily Meditation. Learn to Sit in Silence in a more balanced way. SIT WITH ME WITH TEA. Or learn to Sit With Yourself. Full Moon and New Moon Ritual. Vision Boards, Wood-Carving and Hand-Built Pottery Sessions as Meditation and Ritual.



IN COMMUNION. With friends and family. Steps with purpose, taken together, and to celebrate, or mourn and move through. Steps taken with care and with love. Guided and sometimes quiet. At times, with uproarious laughter and maybe even to tears. For Seasons and Life-Transitions, Weddings and Endings. For when Life Needs Our Attention. To Heal the Earth and Each Other.


Currently Serving at two locations in Camperdown, my home and at Estetica Sydney off of Pyrmont Bridge Rd. where I also teach early morning Yoga Classes. I SERVE in and around the Eastern Suburbs and throughout the Inner West. If you live anywhere from Bondi Beach and Double Bay, where I also teach at Hot Dog Yoga, or Surry Hills to Potts Point and Darlinghurst, with Yoga Therapy Education, YOU ARE NOT FAR from Tea Ceremony. If you live in Annandale, Leichhardt or Rozelle and Balmain, you’re not far from the romance and nurturing of The Service of Tea and Sound Healing. COME FIND ME!!

An exciting collaboration in Rosebery will begin VERY, VERY SOON!!


sit tea with me

My space is located in Camperdown, just next to RPA Hospital. I offer Tea Sessions in various locations around Sydney. As with EVERYTHING I offer, I’m available for IN HOME VISITS, I’m free to collaborate with your Studio and I’m available for larger Events, Retreats and Workshops.


tea education & training


SIT TEA WITH ME and then Learn to Sit Tea WITH YOU. Over time, we’ll Sit Together and if you’d like, I can teach you to Sit Tea with The World.

Join me for a ONE OF A KIND 50HR TEA RITUAL & CEREMONY TRAINING as part of a larger 100/150HR Ritual, Ceremony & Sound Yoga Teacher Training. Yin & Restorative based YTT that covers all the bases for walking easily into the world of considered and conscious Classes, Workshops and Retreats that can include Tea & Cacao, Sound and Stone Medicine. The Art, Science and Trade of Yoga. We will learn to better FEEL, EXPERIENCE & LISTEN. These Training Modules will be FULL, RICH & DEEP. Like all trainings offered here, this Yoga Teacher Training will include aspects of Meditation, Mantra and Mudra. 100HR Ritual, Ceremony and Sound includes relevant Anatomy & Physiology, Philosophy and all necessary components to meet your membership requirements.



Monthly, Bi-annual and Seasonal. NEW MOON & FULL MOON Ritual and Ceremony. Vision Boards help us develop an Inner Eye, a ways to seek for what the Heart wants. We get together, over Tea, Wine or Chai. We journal. We Sit in Silence. We lay back on bolsters. We tear the magazines, we cut and paste. We converse with our Inner Child, we take ourselves on Drum Journeys to find what needs finding and we Commune. Always in communication with Self and sometimes Other. We partner. We pray. We harness the tidal within as the Moon waxes, wanes, fills or eclipses. All moments special and each Ritual or Ceremony guiding us toward the liminal. As above so below. What goes up and out must come down and in. Outward Bound or Seeking Source, we come together as often as is helpful. We bring friends, or we come on our own to make friends; alone but never lonely.

Tea tempers the spirit, harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue, awakens the thought and prevents drowsiness.
— Lu Yu, The Classic Art of Tea